I am a Professor at American University. At AU I have a joint appointment in the School of International Service (SIS) and the Kogod School of Business (KSB). In SIS, I work in both the International Communication and International Development programs and in KSB I work in the Department of Information Technology & Analytics. I study distributed collaboration, transnational NGO networks, accessibility, disability policy, and global Internet governance.
I love teaching. I'll talk more about this in a number of ways on this site, but I currently teach courses on big data analytics and text mining, various aspects of International Communication (e.g. Internet Governance), and International Development (e.g. inclusive sustainable development), and public policy. However, I am particularly interested in teaching across countries and cultures using the techniques and technologies of Accessible Cyberlearning.
I have a lot of hobbies, many of them on the adventurous side. For example, I love alpine skiing and am a member of the National Brotherhood of Skiers, as part of the DC Black Ski Chapter. I am a PADI certified Advanced Underwater Diver. Marathon runner (in the past, not now), and a passionate golfer. However, my most recent and important hobby is sailing. The link "Sailor" found above will introduce you to SV Transcend and this side of my world.